Open Govt

Energy Committee


Thank you to everyone for coming and making the Shelburne Energy Fair happen!!!!


LED Streetlight Final Report Presentation is now online:


Mission Statement:  To facilitate the reduction of municipal and residential carbon emissions from the town of Shelburne by 50% carbon neutrality by 2030 and by 100% by 2050, following the recommendations of the international science community.  The Energy Committee will:

  • seek the means and then quantify current and future carbon emissions
  • promote insulation/weatherization of current structures
  • promote access to renewable energy sources such as solar and wind
  • prepare proposals to appropriate funding sources
  • advertise/promote actions that can be undertaken by individuals within the community
  • and pursue other opportunities that may arise


Members of the Energy Committee can be reached at: 

Previous meetings:

Agricultural Commission

Meeting Schedule: Meets whenever needed

Previous meetings:

Board of Assessors

Phone (413) 625-0300 x. 4
FAX (413) 625-0303
Address 51 Bridge Street, Shelburne, MA 01370

Meeting Schedule: Third Monday Each Month (unless it is a Holiday). See Calendar

Previous meetings:

Board of Health


Shelburne is a member of the Franklin County Cooperative Public Health Service (CPHS), a regional health district administered by the Franklin Regional Council of Governments. The Cooperative Public Health Service (CPHS) of the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) serves as the Health Department for the Town of Shelburne. The Health Agents, Public Health Nurses and Community Health Educator provide environmental health inspections, communicable disease investigation and prevention, code enforcement, education, wellness, and special programs; CPHS staff work closely with members of the Town Board of Health on these matters. For further information, and for a CPHS staff listing and contact details, please see the CPHS website.

If you need to apply for a Board of Health Permit please go to the FRCOG CPHS online permitting webpage: and follow the instructions.

Next meeting:

Previous meetings:

Bridge of Flowers Preservation Committee

Meeting Schedule: As Needed

Previous meetings:

Community Preservation Committee

Next meeting:

Previous meetings:

Conservation Commission

Meeting Schedule: Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 7 PM by Zoom unless otherwise posted.

Previous meetings:

Council on Aging

Previous meetings:

Cultural Council

Town Hall, 51 Bridge Street, Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 Contact: Visit us on Facebook:

Meeting Schedule: See Calendar

Previous meetings:

Emergency Management Committee

Previous meetings:

Finance Committee

Meetings are scheduled as necessary

Next meeting:

Previous meetings:

Franklin County Regional Housing & Redevelopment Authority




Central Office: (413) 863-9289



241 Millers Falls Road
Turners Falls, MA 01376

Shelburne Housing Authority no longer exists. 

Please refer to:

Meeting Schedule: Third Monday Each Month @ 4:30 pm

Previous meetings:

Open Space Committee

Meeting Schedule: Fourth Monday of each month, 7 pm in Shelburne Town Hall , unless otherwise posted.

Next 4 meetings:

Previous meetings:

Planning Board

Clerk of the board: Faye Whitney

The Board meets on the first Tuesday of each month, at 6 p.m., at the Town Hall meeting room.

Additional meetings may be held as necessary.

If you have any questions, please email the Board at


Meeting Schedule: 1st Tuesday at 6:30 pm

Previous meetings:

Recreation Committee

Current Recreation Committee Offerings

Open to the Public

General Cowell Gym fees:

  • $2 Shelburne residents, $5 non-Shelburne residents

April to November.

Pickleball at the Cowell Outdoor Courts outdoors free, indoors during inclement weather subject to gym fees

  • Regular schedule (subject to change): Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday mornings, and Monday, Wednesday evenings; lessons available.  For times and details on lessons, leagues, and special events go to  For questions contact

Basketball in the Cowell Gym (gym fee: $2 Shelburne residents, $5 non-Shelburne residents)

  • Tuesday (over 35) at 6:30 pm and Thursday (competitive) at 6:00 pm and Sunday's at 5:00 PM
  • Friday 7 to 9 pm ( Currently Not Offered)

December to March

Cowell Youth Basketball (free)

  • 5:30 to 6:30 pm:     Monday grades 1-2,     Tuesday Kindergarten,     Thursday grades 3-4

Pickleball (gym fee: $2 Shelburne residents, $5 non-Shelburne residents)

  • Regular schedule (subject to change): Monday and Wednesday 6 to 8:PM,  Tuesday, Saturday 8:15 -10:15AM and two sessions on Thursday's, 8:45 am to 10:45 and 10:45 to 12:45, Sunday at 9 to 11AM: and Monday and Wednesday from 6-8 pm; lessons available.  For times and details on lessons, leagues, and special events go to  For questions contact

Basketball in the Cowell Gym (gym fee: $2 Shelburne residents, $5 non-Shelburne residents)

  • Tuesday (over 35) at 7 pm and Thursday (competitive) at 7 pm

(To view the full Cowell Gym schedule click on the thumbnail schedule to the right.)

Please go to our Facbook page, Shelburne Recreation Committe and Cowell Gymnasium, for updated information.  You can also contact us at or (413) 625-0305 or call John Walsh at 413-775-3274.

Meeting Schedule: The Recreation Committee generally meets at 7 pm on the second Wednesday of every month at the Cowell Gym. Please see the calendar for specific meeting dates and agenda.

Next meeting:

Previous meetings:


Meetings and Agendas

Meeting agendas for selectboard meetings may be found by clicking on the calendar event in the left sidebar area.

Video recordings of Selectboard meetings may be viewed at Falls Cable.

Meeting Schedule: Regular meetings Mondays 5:30PM, please confirm posted meetings at Town Hall or check the website calendar for confirmation.

Next meeting:

Previous meetings:

Senior Center Board of Directors

The Senior Center Board of Directors is comprised of members of the Councils on Aging from each of the three towns: Ashfield, Buckland and Shelburne. The Board meets at the Senior Center on the second Thursday of each month at 3:30 P.M.

Meeting Schedule: Second Thursday of each month at 3:30 P.M.

Previous meetings:

Sewer Commissioners

Previous meetings:

Technology & Cable Advisory Committee

Meeting Schedule: 1st Wednesday of most months, as needed

Previous meetings:

Zoning Board of Appeals


(413) 625-0300


(413) 625-0303



51 Bridge Street, Shelburne, MA 01370

Meeting Schedule: 1st Thursdays 7PM by Zoom

Previous meetings: