On behalf of the Town of Shelburne, I am distributing the information below on the Bridge Street Phase 2 Improvements project:
Bridge Street Construction
Plans for 11/13 to 11/17
GEG plans to return to Bridge Street to complete tree work on Thursday (11/16). Following tree work the contractor will finish punch list work as well.
Per the Shelburne Police Chief traffic will be detoured for public safety. The detour travel route will be Mechanic Street – Cross Street – Keystone Parking Lot - Water Street in both directions. Cars will be able to park from Keystone Market to the Iron Bridge on both sides of Bridge Street, but parking between Baker Avenue and Mechanic Street will be limited.
Please note that all work is weather dependent, and dates may be extended due to inclement weather. Any questions or issues can be directed to gcg@gcgassociates.net or 978-657-9714.